In my home university, they have some online classes that professor appear on the computer screen then we have to log in the class and listen what he/she said. So we don't need to go to school, I think it saves our time and money.

(He was my Marketing professor, and the class was really fun. Actually he was fun)
According to the "Coworking is (also) : Working Together Online", the writer said about various kinds of coworking communication tools.
With document sharing provided by mainstream services like Google, video chat
supported by Yahoo, conference calling, combined with chat and peer-to-peer file
transfer available for free via Skype, audio and video blogging, coworking tools
are becoming more and more ubiquitous, and people are beginning to use them with as little forethought as picking up a telephone - a telephone which, of course, is Internet-compatible, GPS-enabled, and can capture photos and video.
Because we were all students, we couldn't use such various tools for communication. But through the internet, I just uploaded my assignment whenever I wanted and met them without any traffic expenses. I think this kind of team is more effective and can cut cost a lot.
My team made good project and achieved our goal successfully. I actually met our team member once, face-to-face, in another class. Because he's name was rare name in Korea, I can recognized him easily when a professor called his name. I knew that he also recognized me, because of my rare name. It was so embarrassed!!!!